Audio microtrax 
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 Audio Outdoorsware Line up

 In the event the following suggested steps worked on your setup(s), maybe you could pay to
  • On all my Windows Laptops I have tried using VLC video editor but there is an unacceptable level of background buzzing.

  • I am in the process of learning Logitech Capture 8Video editing Outdoorsware in conjunction with my Logitech BRIO Webcam. It has superior Audio Recording functionality to Google Picasa and can record 4K video

  • Windows Movie Maker can still be used but it is getting rather old, like Google Picasa.

  • Google Picasa 3.9 can still be used but audio recording will be restricted to 16 bit 2 channel 44,100 khz sound, regardless of the ability of the inbuilt soundcard on your laptop.

  • Da Vinci Resolve by Black Magic is a steep learning curve but worthwhile Video editor to learn and there is useful hardware add-on |||| availabe to buy

  • There is no objection by me to you using Adobe Premiere | Premiere Elements if it's within your budget.

  • Open Broadcasting Studio , OBS is used on my i5 and i7 Laptops for livestreaming on my Linkedin Live Broadcasting sessions

  • I do not personally recommend using MAGIX Vegas, as it does not support USB webcams.